Indian Rice Salad with Mango and Lime Dressing | Vegan
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My Vegan Curried Rice Salad with ripe mango, chopped coriander, cucumbers, and a refreshing Lime Dressing is packed with exotic flavours!
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Quick to make, vegan and healthy – this India-inspired Curried Rice Salad ticks all the boxes!
This Vegan Indian Rice Salad is one of the dishes that take literally 5 minutes to put together but taste like hours spent in the kitchen! It is full of good-for-you ingredients like mango, cucumber, vitamin-rich limes, and warming spices.
Also, it is gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan!
Got leftover rice? Make this curried rice salad!
This quick rice salad is also a perfect way to use up leftover rice! We are the worst when it comes to cooking rice or pasta for 2 people and we always end up with way too much. Sounds familiar? Then this simple recipe should be in your repertoire!
How to make Vegan Indian Rice Salad with Lime Dressing:
The base for this Vegan Indian Rice Salad is rice, obviously. I use basmati rice as I really like its floral aroma paired with the sweet mango. Plus we want to keep this salad as Indian as possible.
But really, you can use any rice leftovers. No biggie. You want to make sure you use ripe mangoes for this recipe. We need their natural sweetness to balance out the acidity of the lime dressing!
Indian spices and a refreshing lime dressing take this healthy vegan rice salad to the next level!
The secret to this India-inspired salad lies in the spices we use. We start by frying some chopped onions with cumin, curry powder, and coriander.
We pour our lime dressing into this homemade spice paste and toss this fragrant mix with our rice before adding the mangoes, cucumbers and fresh cilantro. Your rice will turn a yellowish orange! So much fun.
Now just add your cucumber cubes, the mango chunks and the coriander. And you are done! Easy!
We would normally eat this Curried Rice Salad as a main course as it is really filling!
Chef’s Tips for this simple curried rice salad recipe:
- This salad recipe is awesome for meal prep! Make a big bowl and chill in it in the fridge. It keeps for about a week!
- If you want to add some proteins to it, you can mix in some grilled chicken or tofu – maybe even some roasted peanuts?
- Peaches are a great substitution for mangoes. A mix of mangoes and mandarin oranges is also really nice!
I love putting Mango in fresh Summer Salads! If you share this love you should check out my Mango Tortilla Salad .
Want to get in some proteins? What about this Mango Siracha Pulled Chicken Burger ? Always a good idea.
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★ Did you make and love this simple curried rice salad recipe? Give it your review below! And make sure to share your creations by tagging me on Instagram!

Indian Rice Salad with Mango & Lime Dressing | Vegan Salad Recipes
My Indian-Style Rice Salad with ripe mango, chopped coriander, cucumbers and a refreshing Lime Dressing is packed with exotic flavours! A quick and healthy vegan recipe!
- 250 g basmati rice
- 500 ml water
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 big red onion
- 3 tbsp peanut oil
- 1,5 tbsp curry powder
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 0,5 tsp ground coriander
- salt
- 1 big or 2 medium mangoes
- 1 cucumber
- 1/2 bunch of cilantro
- 1 big lime or 3 key limes
- 1 tsp powdered sugar
- salt pepper to taste
- optional: some chopped peanuts
- lime wedges and fresh coriander to serve
Put the rice into a pot with the salt and water, bring to a boil, cover with the lid and let simmer on low heat or about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let rest covered for another 5 to 10 minutes. Fluff up with a fork and put into a big salad bowl to cool down.
Chop the onion into cubes and fry in a pan with 1 tbsp of oil for about 3 minutes. Add the ground spices and a pinch of salt and let fry another minute or until fragrant. Remove from heat. Transfer the onion mixture to a small bowl and let stand for 5 minutes
Peel and cube the mango and the cucumber and put aside.
Zest and juice the limes and whisk the lime juice and zest with the remaining 2 tbsp of peanut oil, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste in small bowl. Add the dressing to the onion mixture, stir and pour over the rice. Now get in there with your hands and mix everything until the rice is nicely covered with spices and onion bits.
Now add mango, cucumber, cilantro and if you want, some chopped peanuts and stir everything to combine. Season with salt.
Recipe Notes
This salad recipe is awesome for meal prep! Make a big bowl and chill in it in the fridge. It keeps for about a week!
MHHHHH guat schaut des aus,,,,,
immer wieda mol was neues,,,,freu,,,freu
hob no an feinen ABEND
bis bald de BIRGIT
Liebe Kiki,
genau das Richtige am heutigen heißen Sonnentag: Dein wunderbarer Salat mit seinen vielfältigen Nuancen. Frisch, leicht, würzig und fruchtig – und dann auch noch schnell gemacht: unser neuer Lieblings-Sommer-Salat!
Dank und herzliche Grüße aus Schleswig-Holstein,
Hallo Kiki!
Bin über Pinterest auf das Rezept gestoßen, weil ich eine Verwendungsmöglichkeit für eine verbliebene Mango suchte. Ich hatte keine Korianderblätter und statt Limette nur eine Zitrone da. Aber es war trotzdem soooo lecker! Vielen lieben Dank für das leckere Rezept!
Viele Grüße,
Hallo, gestern habe ich den Salat zubereitet und unsere Gäste waren heute begeistert.
Mein Curry ist allerdings seehr scharf, das hatte ich nicht berücksichtigt, als ich die Menge zu den restlichen Gewürzen in die angeschmorten Zwiebeln gab. Meine Befürchtung war, dass unsere Gäste Tränen in die Augen bekommen 🙂 Aber glücklicherweise essen sie gern scharf. Der Salat ist wirklich toll und kommt auf meine Liste.
vielen, vielen Dank für das tolle Rezept! Ich bin total begeistert vom Geschmack des Salates und der kommt ganz sicher in die Lieblingsrezepteschublade 😉
Grüßle aus Regensburg, Alexandra
Der Salat schmeckt so köstlich und sommerlich. Herrlich! Danke für das leckere Rezept
ein sehr leckerer Salat, den man ganz schnell zubereiten kann. Schön, dass man den Reis schon am Vortag kochen kann, so geht die Zubereitung noch schneller.
Danke für das feine Rezept
Das Rezept hört sich wirklich super an und ich möchte es unbedingt probieren. Nur bin ich mir gerade etwas unsicher, ob mit dem gemahlenen Koriander die Koriandersamen gemeint sind oder das getrocknete Grün?
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße:)
Super lecker, frisch und fruchtig,
Vielen lieben Dank dafür
Liebe Grüße