Triple Coconut Ice Cream | The best coconut ice cream
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This Triple Coconut Ice Cream is the real deal and as coconutty as it gets. It has both coconut cream and coconut milk as a base and is speckled with toasted coconut flakes! A Coconut Lover’s Delight!
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The secret to the best coconut ice cream: toast your coconut!
Coconut Ice Cream is one of my all time favorites at the Ice Cream Parlour! Too often though I find plain old Coconut Ice Cream to bland and lacking texture! I like mine loaded with coconut flakes and bursting with flavor! I tried several recipes using coconut extract, fresh coconut, coconut milk, and syrup. In the end, I found the game-changing trick: toasting the shredded coconut! This actually makes perfect sense as most nuts get a boost by roasting and toasting. This simple step takes your coconut ice cream to a whole new level of deliciousness.
So simple, so effective! I used sweetened coconut flakes for my Triple Coconut Ice Cream! Due to the added sugar, the coconut flakes brown very quickly so better watch carefully when you toast them! You want a golden crunchy nutty delight in your ice cream, not black bitter specks!
This ice cream has the toasted coconut folded right in, with lots leftover for dipping and sprinkling. I love the slight crunch and the chewy bits in this coconut ice cream. The flavor is incredibly coconutty. And it’s all 100 % natural coconut flavour with no artificial additions!
Use coconut cream and coconut milk for ultimate creaminess and richness!
For the ice cream base, I used rich coconut cream and coconut milk. You can either do the same thing or just use coconut milk!
I find that the addition of the thick and creamy coconut cream makes this ice cream especially delicious and rich.
Almost as if there was white chocolate in it. For real. A scoop of this ice cream tastes like one big Raffaello truffle.
Add a splash of Malibu Rum for a Caribbean twist!
I decided to go the extra mile and added a splash of Malibu Rum! It makes this ice cream taste just like the holidays and day-drinking on the beach!
And who doesn’t like some beach-vibes on a grey and rainy summer day?
Anyway, if you’re a coconut lover you just gotta try this ice cream!
For me, coconut is an all year round ice cream flavor and I also love to make it in winter! Imagine a scoop of this coconutty goodness in your hot chocolate on a rainy winter day!
My product recommendations:
Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites

Triple Coconut Ice Cream
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 4 tsp. cornstarch
- 1 1/4 cups coconut cream
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp. light corn syrup
- 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
- 1/4 cup rum optional
- 3 tbsp. cream cheese 1.5 oz, softened
- 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
In a bowl, stir together 1⁄4 cup coconut milk and the cornstarch; set slurry aside. In a 4-qt. saucepan, whisk together remaining milk and the coconut cream, sugar, syrup, and salt; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook for 4 minutes; stir in slurry. Return to a boil and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 2 minutes. Place cream cheese in a bowl and pour in 1⁄4 cup hot coconut milk mixture; whisk until smooth. Then whisk in remaining coconut milk mixture and the rum. Pour mixture into a plastic bag; seal, and submerge in a bowl of ice water until chilled or just chill it in the fridge over night. When ready to churn, toast your coconut in a large pan until golden brown and set aside to cool while you churn your ice cream until soft serve consistency. Now slowly add the cooled flakes to the still churning ice cream until incorporated.
Fill the ice cream into a container and put into the freezer until firm enough to form proper scoops.
Enjoy with plenty coconut flakes on top!
Das klingt so super lecker, dass ich es nachmachen möchte. Hast du eine Idee wie ich Gkukosesirup ersetzen kann?
LG Anna
sooooo, kokoscreme habe ich gestern in Hamburg in der Fegro/Selgros bekommen, Eismaschine ist bestellt.
Ich freue mich auf dieses Kokoseis am Wochenende.
Vielen Dank schon einmal für diese Inspiration.
Ich habe fertig 😉
Sehr, sehr cremig, auch nach 24 Std. Wir sind total begeistert, allerdings reduzieren wir nächstes mal die zuckermenge.
Und gestern Abend ( am 2 Tag ) meinten wir, das Eis könne auch noch etwas Ananas vertragen.
Ganz lieben Dank für das Rezept.
Hallo Kiki,
ich könnte mich beim Lesen schon in das Eis setzen! 😉
Lässt sich das Eis auch ohne Eismaschine zubereiten? Diese besitze ich leider (noch) nicht!
Freue mich auf dein Feedback,
Hallo Kiki,
danke, dass du so schnell mit einer tollen Idee geantwortet hast! 🙂
Ich verwende zum Zerkleinern stets meinen Uralt-Thermomix (3300)! Dann werde ich deinen Tipp bald umsetzen und dir von meinem Ergebnis berichten! Auch wenn es vielleicht nicht so cremig gelingt wie mit einer Eismaschine, so bin ich ich mir sicher, es wird unheimlich lecker nach Kokos schmecken! 🙂
Bis dahin, liebe Grüße aus Ostfriesland
Do you mean coconut cream that has been sweetened or coconut cream unsweetened? Sweetened is used for beverages. Thanks ☺️ This recipe is going to be a favorite crowd pleaser.
Hallo Kiki!
Also die fertige Masse “roh”, also vor dem letzten Schritt in der Eismaschine ist schon extra lecker! Meine jüngste Tochter hat eine Histaminintoleranz, und ich hab mich schon zum Deppen gesucht bezüglich geeignen Eiscremerezepten, da sie ja eben auch ein totaler Eisjunkee ist… nur mag sie eben nicht alles 😉
Aber DAS wird ihr hoffentlich schmecken! Und ich hab schon mal eine Grundlage zum Experimentieren 😉
Vielen Dank!!!!