Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies
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These Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies not only look festive and wintery, but they also taste incredibly comforting! The buttery and tender texture of these melt-in-your-mouth snowball cookies makes them absolutely addictive !
These Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies are INSANELY DELICIOUS!
These Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies – also known as Russian Tea Cookies or Mexican Wedding Cookies – are the perfect last-minute Christmas Cookie!
They really take no time at all to make – no rolling out, no fiddly business and they are always a huge hit with my family. I not only bake them for Christmas but all throughout the year!
There´s something about the combination of white chocolate, roasted macadamias, and vanilla that just takes me back to my childhood. Seriously, taking a bite of these Snowball Cookies is like a warm hug from granny – one of the loving, soft and comforting ones without any cheek pinching involved.
You should really try these Snowball Cookies yourself! You will find that you can’t hide them well enough from your beloved ones! They will find them and destroy them so make sure you have a little secret stash somewhere NO ONE will come looking for them!
Where ever you choose to hide them, storing them in an airtight container is always a good idea to ensure they stay fresh and soft! In a cool room, they will keep for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Tips for making the best Snowball Cookies:
- Try to use good quality butter – salted works just fine for this recipe but make sure to skip the added salt. Use vegan butter for vegan snowball cookies.
- You can use real vanilla beans instead of extract to take this Macadamia White Chocolate Snowball Cookies to the next level. The pulp of 1/2 – 3/4 bean should be fine.
- Toast the macadamia nuts before chopping and baking them. It really boosts their flavor!
- Snowball Cookies need to be tossed in powdered sugar right after baking and then again, once they have cooled down. The first layer is for sealing them, the second for decoration.
How to roast macadamia nuts in the oven?
For roasting macadamia nuts, line a baking tray with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 225F.
Now, fill a spray bottle with 1/2 cup hot water in which you dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of melted butter or coconut oil.
Spread your macadamia nuts on an oven tray and lightly mist them with the contents of the bottle.
Roast the nuts for 10 to 12 minutes, checking on them every couple of minutes and removing them as soon as they turn golden brown. Let the nuts cool completely before chopping them.
For more delicious Christmas Cookie Recipes, make sure to check out my Macadamia Spitzbuben Cookies and my Stuffed German Hazelnut Cookies!
★ Did you make and love this recipe for Macadamia White Chocolate Snowball Cookies? Give it your review below! And make sure to share your creations by tagging me on Instagram!

Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies
These Macadamia & White Chocolate Snowball Cookies are quite something! Not only do they look festive and winter-y, they also taste incredibly comforting! The buttery and tender texture of these melt-in-your-mouth snowball cookies makes them absolutely addictive !!!!!
- ½ cup powdered sugar
- 1 cup unsalted butter 2 sticks, at room temperature
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2¼ cups all-purpose flour
- ¼ tsp salt
- 3/4 cup chopped macadamia nuts chopped and roasted (see FAQ on how to toast them)
- ½ cup white chocolate chips
- Additional powdered sugar for rolling the cookies
Preheat oven to 350°F.
In a large bowl, cream the ½ cup sugar, vanilla, salt and butter using a stand mixer or hand mixer.
Gradually add the flour and mix until well combined.
Using a wooden spoon or spatula, stir in the chopped nuts and white chocolate chips.
Chill dough in the refrigerator until firm.
Form into balls using about 1 level tablespoon of dough and place on ungreased cookie sheets, preferably lined with parchment.
Bake for about 12 -15 minutes, or until just set, but not browned.
Cool on the pan for about 5 minutes, then roll the warm cookies in powdered sugar, and place on a rack to cool.
Once cooled completely, dust them with icing sugar and store them in an airtight container.
Recipe Notes
- Try to use good quality butter - salted works just fine for this recipe but make sure to skip the added salt. Use vegan butter for vegan snowball cookies.
- You can use real vanilla beans instead of extract to take this Macadamia White Chocolate Snowball Cookies to the next level. The pulp of 1/2 - 3/4 bean should be fine.
- Toast the macadamia nuts before chopping and baking them. It really boosts their flavor!
- Snowball Cookies need to be tossed in powdered sugar right after baking and then again, once they have cooled down. The first layer is for sealing them, the second for decoration.
Hatte gerade so etwas in der Art vom isemarkt bekommen, somit müssen die probiert werden.
Magst du mir sagen wieviel Gramm deine tasseneinheit hat, wir besitzen nur Becher 🙂
Danke dir
Ich wollte mal fragen, ob du gesalzene genommen hast oder ungesalzene Macadamia-Nüsse. Weil finde leider nur gesalzene ?
Hey, ich habe die Plätzchen jetzt vorbereitet. Nun ist meine Frage auf was ich den Backofen vorheitze? Umluft oder unter ober Hitze ?:)
Liebe Grüße
Vielen Dank für das wunderbare Rezept. Ich habe mal aufgeschrieben wie viel Gramm Nuss und Schokolade ich verbacken habe. Für alle Cuplosen unter uns. 🙂 Ich habe ca 115 g Nuss und 80 g Schokolade verwendet. Übrigens schreibe ich “Nuss”, weil ich Macadamia mit Cashewkernen verwechselt habe. Schmeckt allerdings auch mit denen ausgezeichnet. xD Nur die Backdauer war für mich viel zu lange. Ich hatte die Schneebälle 8 Minuten im Ofen und die Oberfläche war schon leicht gebräunt. Bei der nächsten Snowball Action muss ich wohl entweder die Hitze verringern oder die Plätzchen früher raus holen . Beste Grüße Melli
Super lecker
Muss man die weiße Schokolade schmelzen oder gebe ich sie nur gehackt in die Masse?